Tools and Training

Maximize your job search
with our online training sessions and tools.

The Career Handler Toolkit and Training Sessions activate the step-by-step job search system presented in the Career Handler Workbook. The Training Sessions walk you through the each chapter and show you how to use the supporting tools in the Career Handler Toolkit. Each session is presented by Eric Handler, author and founder of Career Handler and provides additional support for each of the 5 chapters in the Career Handler Workbook.

Training Sessions

Paid membership includes access to training sessions designed to maximize the Career Handler System.

Introduction: Building the foundation of a successful search
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Enrollment: Setting up your positioning channels
View Session >
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Positioning: Identifying who you are and what you want
View Session >
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Action Plan: Putting your plan into action
View Session >
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Implementation: The ongoing process of making it happen
View Session >
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Toolkit Items

Download your FREE Career Handler Toolkit items

  1. Voicemail scripts register to download >
  2. Contact Memory Jogger upgrade to download >
  3. Contact Tracking Log register to download >
  4. Contact Sheet register to download >
  5. Success Story Template upgrade to download >
  6. “So tell me about yourself” Template register to download >
  7. Elevator Speech Template upgrade to download >
  8. Compensation History Template upgrade to download >
  9. Resume Sample upgrade to download >
  10. Reference List Template upgrade to download >
  11. Personal Marketing Plan Template upgrade to download >
  12. Trial Run Meeting Script upgrade to download >
  13. Decision Maker Inquiry Phone Script upgrade to download >
  14. Job Search Status Report upgrade to download >
  15. Reconnect Inquiry Phone Script upgrade to download >
  16. LinkedIn Connection Scripts upgrade to download >
  17. Thank You Follow-up Scripts upgrade to download >

  • Get the tools, process and support you need to conduct a successful job search!

    Career Handler
    • The Career Handler Workbook
    • The Career Handler Toolkit
    • 5 hours of online training
    • A Community of job seekers
    • Weekly online discussions and support
    • Facilitated by an executive search consultant


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  • Try our FREE
    Job Search Tools

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      • I really enjoyed the meeting this morning. I came home and emailed a couple of my coworkers from my Gold Kist/Pilgrims Pride years, and heard back from one within 10 minutes with three leads. He also called me on the phone and we talked for about 15 minutes about the particulars!
        Diane Ackerman
      • I wish I had learned about the Career Handler job search system earlier in my career search…as a result of the system, my time management skills have improved significantly and my job search is much more focused. I am confident that the Career Handler system will decrease the amount of time it will take for me to the land the right job. I have recommended it to those who are between jobs, as well as those who are currently employed-it’s a unique way of staying on top of your career.
        La Vonda R. De Witt
      • I can endorse, without reservation, the Career Handler series. Following the step-by-step procedures greatly assisted with maintaining a highly functional and organized search.
        Steve Chapman
      • The Career Handler Job Search program has been such a great help to me. If I had been introduced to it nine months ago when my job search began, I believe I would be employed by now and not facing some of the extreme decisions I will need to make within the next few weeks. The Career Handler Job Search puts everything in such a great order that one following the steps is sure to come out a winner.
        Geri McElroy
      • Thank you so much for the tool kit items. I am finding the workshop EXTREMELY helpful in getting me on track. I am not an extroverted person so I need this type of step by step instruction to force me out of my comfort zone to make contacts and speed up my job search.
        Lisa-Marie Grow
      • I had been out of work for over a year and only had had one interview…at the first meeting, I realized a big problem — I was approaching the job search in a very haphazard manner, once I got serious about the job search, I interviewed with 5 different companies in about 6 weeks…I think just having a plan of execution and carrying it out is extremely helpful and many jobseekers do not have that.
        Kathryn Whitbourne
      • I see you are going through your 5-part series about networking. That series is what eventually led me to the position I am in today. I used your contact sheets back in November and within one week I was working as a 1099'er and six weeks later I was offered a fulltime position. Just recently I was offered a management position within the company, so networking and using your contracts truly works. I miss the Friday meetings but not enough to stop working.
        Pat Zorica
      • Meeting Eric Handler and having the opportunity to work his “Career Handler” program has had a significant impact on my life. Not being an expert on how to find a job, I was seeking direction and specific guidance on how to proceed. The Career Handler program is a virtual cookbook on getting yourself ready and into action to find the RIGHT next job. Just as important to creating and executing my job search marketing plan was getting myself focused on what was right for me. Getting my “head on straight” was a turning point. Does the Handler system work? It did for me. I found the job I envisioned in less than three months. Don’t hesitate on this. It is money well spent with the potential for a significant return on your investment for the betterment of your life.
        Bob Pafundi
      • I am a huge advocate of Career Handler because it applies a very systematic, methodical approach to a job transition with tools that help you stay organized and on-track. It focuses on identifying hidden job market opportunities through personal network expansion. It has energized my search and helped me focus and improve my day to day morale & sense of accomplishment.
        Ramona Mendoza
      • The Career Handler job search and accountability system is awesome. I love its detail orientation. It keeps me organized and focused in my pursuit of employment. I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about getting a new job.
        Paul Webb
      • Job hunting can be an overwhelming process especially in this challenging economy. Career Handler Workshop gives you a step-by-step roadmap to guide you through your transition. The information presented is invaluable and will be a tremendous resource in the future.
        Kathleen Durham
      • The Career Handler job search training is ‘hands down’ THE best program I’ve encountered. This program is phenomenal and works by simply following a step-by-step process. This training program was so well written that it makes your job search more focused and successful in the present day market. This is a ‘must do’ program for anyone searching for employment.
        Denise H. Rabb
      • I just accepted an offer from Keystone Foods as Controller – LD Foods. I will be moving to Huntsville, AL soon. I really appreciate the helpful tips you have shared. I have learned a lot about patience and faith over the last few months!
        Diane Ackerman
      • …the comprehensive job search training is a definite benefit. It gives a road map to what job seekers should be doing daily. Thanks for putting that together for us.
        John Cary